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Physics Project: Light and Shadow – Basics of Design II
The Project
In this project a physical phenomenon from one of the areas “Throw”, “Pendular”, “Pulley” and “Light and Shadow” was to be demonstrated by a small interactive program. The main focus was on the createion of a simple, functional and easy-to-use user interface.
Windows EXE (4.9 MB)
Linux program (9.1 MB) – File has to be made executable after downloading
SWF file (8 KB)
The Result
For a complete view it may be necessary to switch to Fullscreen mode (e.g. in Firefox and IE: Press [F11]).
The Implementation
I chose the topic “Light and Shadow”. In a pseudo-realistic 3D view a globe can be lighted from different sides. The lighting can also be animated in two ways and there are four pre-defined scenarios that can be modified at the user’s wish.
Astonishingly (even for me) the final SWF file is only 8 KB in size and thus can be viewed easily on the webside or (with a right click) downloaded here. If you’d rather have it as an executable file on your Windows or Linux machine, you can also download a stand-alone version in the box above.