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Weekly Timetable
The Task
As preparation for the big challenge of the Sopra and as a little obstacle at the beginning each team had to create a digital timetable application. This application should be able to manage all appointments of a week, display them in a table, save and print them. All specifications were already provided, so it only had to be implemented in Delphi or Java, using a Database or an XML file to store the settings
The Result
The result of the work of our team was a fully functional and unbelievably user-friendly timetable, that has been implemented in Java using XML files to store the data. And because I’m such a nice person, you can download it right here! Amazing, isn’t it? I know.
This work
is provided under an MIT style License.
The license can be found here.
Software Toolbox [?]
Eclipse is a professional, modular, free development environment for a lot of programming languages, especially Java. Eclipse itself is based on Java and therefore works on all common operating systems, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
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