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This homepage’s Icons
You can download the icons in a handy package.
The icon set
is licensed under a
Creative Commons license.
When using or redistributing please set a link to this page (on a website e.g. on a special “legal” page).
Software Toolbox [?]
Ubuntu is a distribution of the free operating system GNU/Linux. It is liked for its simple installation, user-friendlyness and its big community of happy users. Ubuntu is safe, reliable, available free of charge and can do everything Windows can do – and more!
GNU/Linux is a free operating system. For end users it is distributed by different distributors in form of various distributions, partly commercially, partly free of charge.
Inkscape is a powerful, free vector graphics editor. It uses the open file format SVG and is available free of charge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
GIMP is a powerful, free image editing application with professional features. It is available free of charge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
For this area “work” of my website I created some harmonizing icons . Their style is inspired by the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines. There are different icons with different sizes:
Using the link above, you can download all those icons (also as scaleable and editable SVG files).