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Icon Creeeator – A nice little tool for your Eee PC
A few examples of what IconCreeeator turns normal icons into:
Icon Creeeator is a nice little tool which allows you to easily create beautiful icons for the Easy Mode of Asus' Eee PC. Icon Creeeator allows you to create icons that fit perfectly to the other icons of the Easy Mode, complete with perspective and shadow and everything.
Icon Creeeator
is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
When redistributing this work, a link to this page has to be added.
Icon Creeeator 0.9.2 is here
The new version 0.9.2 corrects a few errors and is now international: You can choose between a German and an English version and have now the possibility to create icons for non-european Eee PCs that have not been updated recently (Eee PCs that have been updated use the “european” icons) and for the Windows application “Easy Mode XP”.
Software Toolbox [?]
GNU/Linux is a free operating system. For end users it is distributed by different distributors in form of various distributions, partly commercially, partly free of charge.
Eclipse is a professional, modular, free development environment for a lot of programming languages, especially Java. Eclipse itself is based on Java and therefore works on all common operating systems, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
GIMP is a powerful, free image editing application with professional features. It is available free of charge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.