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Datei-Download-Icons – Icons für herunterladbare Dateien
You can download the icons in handy packages.
The icon set
is licensed under a
Creative Commons license.
When using or redistributing please set a link to this page (on a website e.g. on a special “legal” page).
Software Toolbox [?]
Ubuntu is a distribution of the free operating system GNU/Linux. It is liked for its simple installation, user-friendlyness and its big community of happy users. Ubuntu is safe, reliable, available free of charge and can do everything Windows can do – and more!
GNU/Linux is a free operating system. For end users it is distributed by different distributors in form of various distributions, partly commercially, partly free of charge.
Inkscape is a powerful, free vector graphics editor. It uses the open file format SVG and is available free of charge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
GIMP is a powerful, free image editing application with professional features. It is available free of charge for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
Here you find a few icons for different file types. They are roughly inspired by the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines and thus can be nicely combined with other Tango icons.
The different kinds of files (program, document, movie, archive, image, sound) are represented by different forms of the icons (window, sheet, film stripe, package, photo, sound waves), the different file formats are denoted through colours and their typical file extension. This way, people can see the type of a file without knowing the icon, which is important if the icons are used on websites.
The set consists of 34 icons for most of the common file formats you usually find on the web (while proprietary formats like DOC, XLS or PPT with equivalent free alternatives have intentionally been omitted as they souldn’t be used on the web).
Using the link at the top of the page, you can also download the icons with a size of 24x24 pixels and as scalable and editable SVG files.
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